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Where Should Your New Puppy Sleep? Tips and Recommendations for getting your new puppy adjusted to your schedule.

The first decision to make when welcoming a new furry friend into your home is determining where the puppy should sleep as they grow into a dog. If you prefer them on the floor, in their crate, or in a separate room, then it's best not to start by taking them to bed with you, regardless of how cuddly they may be.

Over the years, we've discovered that crate training is the most effective method for training a new puppy. Isolating a new puppy in a different room, away from the comfort of their littermates, can lead to many sleepless nights.

We have slept on the couch beside the crate with the new puppy inside, or we have raised the crate to be next to our bed in the bedroom. Whenever the puppy whined or woke up, we reassured it or placed our hand in the kennel to let it know we were close. Once the puppy settled into its routine, we noticed it adjusted easily when we shifted the crate to a different room. And if we preferred the puppy to remain in our bedroom, it was already trained to sleep independently in its own bed.

New owners from Black Canyon corral Australian Shepherds have reported that their puppies, even on the first night home, seldom woke them up, only stirring early in the morning for a potty break. Our puppies are kennel trained and have started their potty training, which makes this transition smoother.

Crate training not only protects your puppy from potential hazards like choking on objects, electrical cords, or damaging shoes but is also a significant aid in potty training. Puppies tend to feel secure in a crate and usually avoid soiling their sleeping area.

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